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Tattoos & Piercings

Body art and adornments.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Reclining chairs for tattooing
23-05-14 15:43
0 299
Nipple piercing & healing
23-05-14 15:00
1 408
Apadravya stretching
09-05-14 16:03
8 2.2K
Cartilage piercing in Dublin?
21-05-14 13:24
6 1.2K
Chest piece recommendations
28-03-14 16:00
6 1.1K
new piercing
18-05-14 11:26
1 360
Remis current waiting list
03-05-13 10:54
27 4.4K
How much should I pay ?
09-05-14 13:38
1 562
Do I need parental permission?
23-01-14 3:00
8 1.5K
body piercing
07-05-14 17:20
0 328
Tongue Piercing & Snakebite Q's.
17-06-12 20:32
10 1.8K
Tattoo size - too small?
01-05-14 22:46
12 1.5K
raised tattoo
25-04-14 12:11
1 584
Tattoos in Gothenburg
25-04-14 16:49
1 505
Superman S Tattoo
04-06-10 15:44
19 6.2K
risk of Infection?
30-03-14 10:21
13 1.1K
ear stretch limerick/galway?
19-02-14 23:34
8 1.4K
Outie belly piercing ??
09-04-14 23:53
1 659
Rib piece and bra
02-04-14 9:57
11 1.5K
DOB Tattoos
04-04-14 20:29
6 2.1K
Nape piercing - healing question
14-03-14 21:31
6 958
How to remove a surface piercing?
06-04-14 10:48
5 4.7K
People who talk about their tattoos
13-02-14 2:41
12 2.4K
Ideas for modding a tat?
04-04-14 12:29
3 567
Magnetic implants in finger/hand
02-04-14 10:28
14 1.5K
Upper earlobe piercing at Snakebite dublin?
31-03-14 22:20
1 735
Sleeve ideas
27-03-14 21:58
4 581
Football Tattoos
27-03-14 0:53
24 3.8K
Eyebrow infection
26-03-14 0:56
5 577
Tattoo artist wanted in Castlebar
25-03-14 12:44
0 421