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State Benefits

Anything and everything to do with state benefits.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Working Parent Family and Back to Work Family Dividend
14-11-18 15:24
3 623
Contributory Pension calculation
15-11-18 16:11
8 1.2K
Submitting a Jobseeker's Holiday Application
13-11-18 13:27
1 895
Invalidity pension - I’ve got the travel card today, does that mean it’s approved?
13-11-18 14:43
4 474
disability appeal waiting time for decision?.
14-11-18 18:38
1 293
How does moving in with my brother effect my payments?
13-11-18 9:25
2 454
With Seetec and got a letter asking for proof I'm looking for work
13-11-18 21:54
3 739
Working family payment Aka. Family income supplement
17-09-18 19:58
12 3.2K
Disability allowance for cohabiting couple
11-11-18 12:02
7 938
jobseekers and weekends
06-11-18 21:26
11 894
SUSI encouraging fraud?
18-09-18 22:10
29 4.5K
9 week JSA disqualification and Supp Welfare Allowance
11-11-18 21:51
1 385
Jobseeker benefit one to one appointment
11-11-18 15:30
3 313
Maternity benefit stay at home mum
10-11-18 20:39
1 353
Illness Benefit and Supplementary Welfare Allowance
09-11-18 21:04
1 296
Reduced JSA
05-11-18 16:40
5 512
Carers allowance and work hours
07-11-18 13:17
1 293
Working family payment late??
08-11-18 7:40
16 1.1K
Intreo in Dun Laoghaire closed today (Tuesday 6th Nov - Flooding)
06-11-18 20:17
1 224
Not signing back on directly after course
05-11-18 10:04
3 290
07-11-18 12:10
0 203
TUS placement duration.
31-10-18 19:58
4 411
PRSI credits UN
05-11-18 3:14
2 229
Apply for student grant retrospectively
05-11-18 17:35
4 256
Applying for Invalidity Pension
04-11-18 20:20
2 371
Made redundant. New job.
02-11-18 10:25
4 477
Illness Benefit
02-11-18 11:52
3 634
Jobpath- data access request?
31-10-18 10:36
1 334
31-10-18 13:09
0 385
Claim Dole After College?
30-10-18 21:39
1 380