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State Benefits

Anything and everything to do with state benefits.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Jobseekers benefit non-EU citizens
14-01-21 21:59
4 382
Enhanced Illness Benefit
19-01-21 13:59
1 228
Question About Tus Scheme Placement
20-01-21 16:07
0 85
JSA Means reassessment
20-01-21 14:16
0 75
HTB equivalant for used homes
18-01-21 15:34
5 213
State Pension Non Contributory
14-01-21 21:12
3 567
Jobseekers means test
17-01-21 23:05
5 484
Fingal housing offer
14-01-21 19:22
4 427
Getting taxed on Jobseekers + Part Time Work
16-01-21 7:59
2 238
Help with PUP payment
15-01-21 14:20
1 256
Child Benefit ends at 18?
15-01-21 15:41
4 393
Housing offer among construction site
15-01-21 14:01
2 313
EWSS and full time employed
08-01-21 18:20
6 353
Wrong Pup Payments Total on myAccount
15-01-21 11:09
0 302
Stopped dole, started a job, won't get paid for a month. What to do?
10-06-19 19:53
23 3.6K
For a phone call from the council
16-10-20 14:37
16 2.9K
Covid Enhanced illness benefit
13-01-21 12:03
0 152
Covid payment
12-01-21 18:34
4 429
Working part time
12-01-21 20:29
0 134
PUP Payment
09-01-21 16:19
2 698
Extra Income
10-01-21 13:58
3 392
Disability Allowance disregard
06-01-21 16:56
7 500
Fuel allowance
11-01-21 16:06
0 143
Back to fortnight payments?
10-01-21 18:42
2 438
Enhanced Illness Benefit
08-01-21 19:35
1 236
Found id public service card ?
09-01-21 21:35
3 251
Enhanced illness benefit
22-09-20 17:53
42 2.5K
14 day Covid illness payment
22-12-20 22:30
1 329
Fuel Allowance (lump sum)
04-01-21 14:57
2 339
BTWEA - Possible with JSA?
07-01-21 12:18
0 101