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Lower League
12-02-07 10:41
4 569
Where's the shoot my Chairman option?
20-12-06 0:06
9 838
Trouble at Celtic!
10-02-07 14:23
1 411
Transfer FM05 from PC to a Laptop?
09-02-07 7:20
2 368
Playing Online
06-02-07 23:49
1 460
Highlight Speed
08-02-07 23:53
0 339
FM07 problem
01-02-07 11:23
1 355
FM2007 links to addons,gfx etc?
30-12-06 18:21
1 585
Farrows, Barrows, Sarrows, Darrows, etc,,,
21-12-06 16:30
4 1K
FM2007 Patch
05-01-07 15:18
8 694
European face packs
19-01-07 22:18
0 340
FM07 - Players Stats/Positions Changes?
18-01-07 9:34
1 1.5K
New Patch!
18-01-07 9:30
0 379
football management game -recomendation
16-01-07 16:05
3 416
stats arent all that
09-01-07 13:14
5 515
Football Manager 2007 - International management
04-01-07 10:11
0 1.9K
Bring your Irish Data issues to light
13-12-06 13:21
8 599
problem installing FM 2007
20-12-06 16:58
6 458
xbox360 fm07 database issue
11-12-06 17:36
4 389
16-12-06 0:27
0 322
FM Challenge
01-12-06 2:21
3 562
To buy or not to buy
14-12-06 10:23
2 358
7.0.1 Patch released !
30-11-06 15:45
21 1.3K
Bugs since 7.01
01-12-06 4:54
3 473
just discovered a a new bug (fairly insignifigant mind!)
09-12-06 23:17
3 396
Longest route from LLM to top flight?
05-12-06 8:08
0 418
Still no 7.01 Patch yet
09-11-06 18:15
20 895
21-11-06 17:37
5 535
FM07 Regens date
28-11-06 18:45
2 1.1K
Work Visa's and Feeder Clubs
21-11-06 14:50
6 613