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Pro Evolution Soccer & FIFA

PES and FIFA general discussion.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
PRO EVO 6 on XBOX360 vs PS2
31-03-07 18:20
22 1.1K
My first goal compilation
05-04-07 4:09
13 557
PC PES6ers
19-12-06 12:19
19 979
Pes Tricks
31-03-07 19:25
2 1.4K
New Pro Evo?
03-04-07 21:36
3 623
How can I setup a PC LAN tourney
29-03-07 13:05
7 750
Your master league team
09-03-07 0:05
9 742
Pro Evo 6 tournament thurs 22/03
20-03-07 17:37
6 557
IPEG Offical PESRANKINGS PS2 Offline Event Carlow
24-03-07 22:36
0 383
Oh sweet god wtf?
24-03-07 22:22
1 540
Some online 360 event
24-03-07 19:32
0 328
How many Cups and Leagues have you won?
21-03-07 18:15
1 431
Playing ProEvo6 on PS3 online
20-03-07 17:19
9 519
Bloody Cheats!!
06-02-07 21:05
9 857
How Do You Do Skill
18-03-07 22:32
2 568
11-03-07 17:48
3 448
27-02-07 13:03
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ITTD Pro Evo Soc Tourney
07-03-07 16:48
2 413
[PC] PES 5 Superpatch
06-03-07 11:38
0 379
??? Wierd ???
22-01-07 12:27
4 557
Online Problem - Please Help
28-02-07 22:27
13 468
Live Tournament?
27-02-07 11:16
3 377
PS2 Game?
21-02-07 23:44
2 339
Ps2 and Laptop sharing
18-02-07 23:49
13 358
Goals Goals Goals part 2
17-02-07 20:58
9 740
X360 Pes 6
05-07-06 16:18
5 688
How to save replays for uploading [PC]
17-02-07 21:50
5 1.1K
Winning Eleven Vs Pro Evo Can't be done
16-02-07 10:55
2 373
Join I.P.E.G ( Irish Pro Evo Guild )
05-02-07 12:26
10 674
ps2 online
10-02-07 9:01
7 457