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Pro Evolution Soccer & FIFA

PES and FIFA general discussion.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
18-10-09 18:06
2 397
Best place to buy PES2010?
18-10-09 18:53
0 297
fifa10 and multiple ps3 user profiles
17-10-09 21:53
0 425
Live Season in FIFA10 on PS3
15-10-09 18:25
6 515
Jobstown F.C needs you! [Playstation network]
13-10-09 13:08
13 795
Fifa sites
15-10-09 17:30
1 325
How Can I change Clubs in the Virtual Pro Online Mode.(FIFA10)
14-10-09 18:22
2 525
FIFA 10: Be a Pro
12-10-09 12:53
13 1.5K
Disconnected from a match in FIFA 10 !?
05-10-09 18:19
15 2.4K
Taking Set Pieces in the Arena with your Virtual Pro
14-10-09 9:01
5 997
Quick Fifa Question
14-10-09 9:26
0 300
FIFA 10 --- league 12
02-10-09 16:23
75 3.5K
A Rival FIFA 10 boards club?
13-10-09 10:44
0 346
Fifa 10 podcast?
12-10-09 20:23
0 282
FIFA 10 - What Did You Want?
09-10-09 8:17
9 829
Fifa 10 - best price? 123
01-10-09 9:28
104 11.1K
FiFa 10
05-10-09 22:42
2 480
Has anyone had any freezing problems playing FIFA '10 on 2 player
12-10-09 10:49
1 814
Fifa 10 Defence help
08-10-09 23:06
7 1.6K
PES 2010 Tesco Price
11-10-09 19:29
0 391
PSM3 Magazine Nov!!!
09-10-09 16:10
4 527
Anyone up for making a boards virtual pro team?
10-10-09 10:51
1 382
Fifa 10 loading problem
02-10-09 19:40
3 2.4K
FIFA 10. Your first impressions. 123
02-10-09 16:54
138 9.2K
FIFA 10: Get win against quitters.
09-10-09 8:13
3 567
Pro evo 2009 PS2 Online?
09-10-09 13:55
1 256
Your FIFA Settings?
30-09-09 23:28
10 1.2K
FIFA 10 Online Problems
08-10-09 11:04
6 418
EA Server not available
08-10-09 10:52
1 501
saving goals on ps3
07-10-09 10:50
5 341