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Primary & Preschool

a guide and an exchange of opinions and advice about Primary & Preschool issues.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
books for b ed
18-08-10 13:09
24 2.9K
how do you know if a primary school is 'good'?
25-08-10 14:25
5 4K
Gaelscoil Ráth Tó to proceed without departmental recognition
23-07-10 15:38
7 1.5K
Gaelscoil Inse Chor (Inchicore) Dublin 8
20-07-10 12:10
3 3.9K
Welcome your new mod. :)
18-08-10 16:12
3 861
Garda Vetting for visitors to schools
03-02-10 13:52
29 8.7K
St Nocholas Montessori BA assessment
09-08-10 9:56
0 608
ABA Tutoring
03-08-10 19:49
5 1.4K
Scoil Éigse - Traditional Irish Music Summer School
04-08-10 22:04
0 737
Primary teaching in Ireland..without Higher Level Irish in the Leaving Cert..?
04-07-10 14:14
15 15.7K
Colaiste rinne
31-07-10 18:24
3 996
what age to start primary school?
12-07-10 13:03
12 3.5K
I.T. from scratch for small primary school
30-06-10 11:58
9 1.7K
SNA advice please
28-07-10 14:37
4 957
Primary Teaching Degree; UK?
22-05-10 14:12
7 2K
primary teaching?
23-06-10 20:54
6 1.9K
Different cost for different schools
15-07-10 12:07
4 1.2K
Primary School - Irish language optional ?
13-07-10 12:03
15 3.4K
B.Ed 4th Year
21-07-10 14:07
1 828
Fees for Primary Post Grad
27-04-10 13:43
4 2K
Irish Language Pre-school
15-07-10 15:48
1 1.5K
Interview and places
14-07-10 15:39
2 849
national schools
14-05-10 19:58
4 1.6K
Has anyone sent there child to Lycee Francaise d'Irlande?
24-06-10 22:58
1 928
AMI 3year Montessori Diploma
20-06-10 18:06
2 1.1K
Books needed for 1st class .
18-06-10 17:48
15 3.2K
"The Postgrad"
21-06-10 23:56
6 1.4K
27-06-10 11:14
4 1.3K
calculator help
26-06-10 15:06
3 935
25-06-10 13:26
4 1.3K