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Primary & Preschool

a guide and an exchange of opinions and advice about Primary & Preschool issues.
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st pats drumcondra
10-06-15 10:07
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classroom assistant in the uk
21-06-15 17:10
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Harolds Cross National School
08-06-15 18:40
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Higher Diploma in Arts in early years Montessori education
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Experience with Gaelscoil V Gaeltacht School? What works?
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getting schools in Balbriggan
08-06-15 1:51
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Primary PGCE in the Uk, the facts?
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Educate Together or Catholic School?
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Primary teaching which route????
02-06-15 23:42
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Crèche never gives receipts. Unusual?
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Religion in State-financed schools
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Naíonraí in southeast Dublin?
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Mixed Senior Infants and 1st Class
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Sending daughter to Naíonra..
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Junior infant Dublin 4
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Mount Temple or Maryfield College?
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Primary School Drogheda??
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BBC Radio 4 The Educators
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Primary school - class observation
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Credit Union Quiz Questions
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