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NUI Galway

National University of Ireland, Galway.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
International Commerce With French
12-06-09 9:01
26 3.6K
Thieves on campus - BEWARE -
21-03-11 21:18
20 4.8K
Corrib Village-2010-2011-fees????
25-04-10 17:50
11 2.9K
Mature student help
06-04-11 22:16
9 1.7K
Assignment Help
26-04-11 17:07
1 762
Thoughts on the grant?
24-04-11 13:08
21 3K
Second year history
17-04-11 15:53
6 992
masters in nuig
21-02-11 23:30
3 2K
Get a move on prospective first years
23-04-11 0:03
4 807
missing exams
23-04-11 0:19
2 939
Postgrad in IT?
23-04-11 0:36
2 821
First yr I.T.. 12...56
17-08-09 10:56
289 30.4K
Science jobs
20-04-11 13:30
3 997
date to pick subjects for second year arts
21-04-11 2:31
2 1.1K
What happens if i dont sit an exam?
19-04-11 20:20
22 2.8K
Having a bit of craic with your exam answers..
14-04-11 11:56
12 2.2K
anyone heard about this "rumour"?
18-04-11 10:37
8 1.8K
How much do your lecturers utilise Blackboard?
06-04-11 21:54
16 2.4K
Why are NUIG hanging on to our grant money
01-04-11 14:11
27 4.5K
Appropriate to email department?
14-04-11 11:14
8 1.3K
Msc Specialist Nursing NUIG
16-04-11 20:30
0 598
Advice on Legal studies??
14-02-11 23:30
11 2.5K
15-04-11 20:51
1 475
repeat exam/fees
15-04-11 21:05
2 1.3K
NUIG Socs and Clubs Data Leak
15-04-11 8:48
5 1.3K
Anyone in first year Engineering maths course?
11-04-11 19:05
4 1.1K
Help! Masters of Accounting interview, advice
15-04-11 12:57
0 674
Nursing/Health Sciences in NUI Galway?
13-04-11 16:55
1 1K
Best Eatery on Campus
12-04-11 12:41
20 3K
First Arts Grading Scheme
10-04-11 18:46
11 1.1K