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NUI Galway

National University of Ireland, Galway.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
PME 2014-2016 Facebook group
22-04-14 14:28
1 648
Personal statements for postgrad applications
07-05-14 11:44
1 582
University free fees
10-05-14 20:30
1 499
Accommodation for first years - most popular?
09-05-14 14:19
3 511
Past Exam Results
08-05-14 14:42
1 450
Commerce nuig
06-05-14 7:09
1 1.1K
Lockers outside reading room
19-04-14 16:00
6 813
Anyone heading to nuig this September? or living in centre point?
23-03-14 22:40
8 1K
Arts - anyone tell me about the course/career opportunities?
04-05-14 17:01
4 561
English Translation of a Degree
03-05-14 12:06
2 507
Postgraduate accomodation
08-04-14 21:11
10 1.2K
Erasmus and film studies
02-05-14 21:41
1 466
absent for a compulsory presentation?
01-05-14 23:13
1 393
NUIG final year arts
23-04-14 18:39
2 550
Deferring Accomodation Payment?
23-04-14 21:59
6 553
Living at home at NUIG?
27-04-14 21:06
8 872
How helpful are SUMS?
29-04-14 18:25
6 527
When are exam results released?
25-04-14 19:40
2 696
Foundation Diploma in Training and Education - HELP
27-04-14 21:05
0 257
27-04-14 8:08
2 776
Anybody do a H-Dip in software design and development?
18-04-14 4:12
1 471
Engineering in NUIG
17-04-14 22:37
1 975
Corrib Village 2014-2015
17-02-14 18:21
17 2.6K
Masters of Accounting NUIG
06-07-11 9:47
3 2.1K
modules missing from blackboard!!
14-04-14 3:25
3 719
Blackboard not logging in
14-04-14 7:41
7 538
Free original music composition and production for Film / Animation students
13-04-14 18:59
0 226
Commuting ?
05-02-14 0:15
13 1.8K
SPSS grinds
17-12-13 21:16
1 826
Question about booked accommodation in Corrib village.
06-04-14 11:47
5 889