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JG Ballard on South Bank Show
17-09-06 13:19
2 408
Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
04-09-06 23:23
11 732
Margaret Atwood
22-05-06 20:35
8 680
What's your bathroom book!
30-06-06 6:52
35 1.2K
Anybody here read........
13-09-06 11:44
2 353
Recordings of authors reading their works
16-09-06 16:25
3 374
The Phantom of the Opera - Gaston Leroux
13-09-06 23:24
1 434
Stephanie PLum
14-09-06 15:18
1 410
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy....
09-09-06 1:04
15 1K
Recomend an great autobigraphy?
04-09-06 21:48
24 864
Sun Tzu - The Art Of War
11-09-06 10:17
2 398
Where do I go after Orwell?
23-08-06 13:48
16 1.1K
03-08-06 13:33
10 548
09-09-06 12:30
1 371
What prompts you to try a new author?
24-08-06 15:40
8 591
Literary exhibitions in Ireland
03-09-06 16:35
4 574
Online book review
11-08-06 10:20
15 763
Monthly Book Sale. 1st Saturday of EVERY month. Tallaght Arts Centre
01-05-06 23:07
12 682
Detective Inspector (insert name here...)
30-08-06 15:07
2 429
Official Author websites
30-08-06 8:08
2 347
Feist. (again, sorry)
30-08-06 9:04
0 376
john connelly?
30-08-06 8:45
7 855
Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
16-08-06 12:21
15 786
Reading suggestions
23-08-06 14:57
10 462
Where to buy second hand?
07-08-06 15:05
20 2K
How would ye pronounce "Dumas'"?
24-08-06 22:56
5 1.5K
24-08-06 22:48
39 1.7K
Books on Che Guevara
21-08-06 18:58
6 600
Portrait of the artist as a young man - James Joyce
09-08-06 10:52
12 763
Book recommendation on Middle East
16-08-06 13:38
13 542