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Finnegans Wake
15-02-07 18:27
25 1.4K
Writers,poets in West of Ireland,we need you.
18-04-07 17:49
0 383
looking for a copy of BOSTON MARRIAGE by DAVID MAMET
14-04-07 19:13
0 430
20th Century American Literature 12
07-03-07 0:45
58 2.7K
Way of keeping track of your books?
20-02-07 1:38
6 788
The Boy in The Striped Pyjamas
09-05-06 5:09
11 1K
Where Do You Buy Your Books?
06-02-07 2:05
43 2K
The Brief History Of the Dead
08-04-07 15:36
0 316
Oranges are not the only Fruit - Jeanette Winterson
05-04-07 17:19
2 423
Cecelia Aherne
04-04-07 21:40
4 559
need help identifying this short story... Raymond Carver?
01-04-07 3:52
3 568
"e" A novel. by Matt Beaumont
11-03-07 21:41
3 574
27-03-07 1:10
6 548
Come Out to Where the Youth is Met
01-04-07 17:46
0 390
African Literature
28-03-07 11:25
5 514
Book Crossing
29-03-07 13:03
11 751
Nausea - Jean Paul Sartre
20-03-07 23:19
8 623
Moby Dick...
23-03-07 0:09
5 564
audio books
26-03-07 1:13
2 504
Sue Townsend
19-03-07 23:14
3 426
20-03-07 18:47
6 454
Hawksmoor - Ackroyd
13-03-07 16:36
2 355
The Queen of the Damned- Anne Rice.
14-03-07 16:59
6 679
Ross O'Carroll Kelly Series
02-01-07 2:39
22 1.6K
Life of PI
01-03-07 15:52
9 784
Reading club in Bray?
10-03-07 21:09
0 391
Hehe, 19th Century American Literature too
07-03-07 18:03
6 655
The hard Way
01-03-07 18:05
1 374
Challenge -Henry James's Turn of the Screw
01-03-07 19:53
3 498
The English Patient?
28-02-07 14:51
2 447