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New Book Releases that might suit......
14-02-12 21:21
5 807
Valentines Poetry - for the day that is in it!!!
14-02-12 15:07
1 448
I need to
16-01-12 14:18
28 3.2K
New Dark Tower Book out this Spring!
12-02-12 11:28
2 594
Belinda McKeon - Solace
19-11-11 11:33
5 1.6K
Rudi Holzapfel
10-02-12 20:43
2 551
Happy Birthday Charles Dickens
07-02-12 2:04
4 1.1K
Book Depository 10% Discount [until 29th Feb 2012]
08-02-12 18:03
0 775
Little Free Libraries
25-01-12 22:06
1 562
Cork Book Club
28-06-06 14:26
49 9.5K
Dublin Literature? from Final Year Student.
20-01-12 15:46
35 2.7K
21-01-12 23:45
6 998
Greek fantasy suggestions
29-01-12 23:19
3 621
The Great American Novel: Does it exist? 12
07-01-12 0:40
54 5.5K
1001 Arabian Nights query
13-12-11 13:03
4 670
Freebie and Cheapo recommendations for Kindle
17-01-12 16:29
4 888
Great openers
08-01-12 15:11
20 2.5K
Somewhere down the crazy river
08-01-12 20:29
5 985
Literature and the Leaving Cert
04-01-12 17:38
38 7.7K
Your favourite Books you read this year 2011
31-12-11 19:13
39 4K
Looking for a name of a readers digest book from early/mid 1990s.
17-01-12 9:43
5 613
Sony E-Reader
27-12-11 19:00
20 6K
Winter 2011 - 2012 Issue of Cartys Poetry Journal is out...
14-01-12 1:35
0 785
A-Z of authors, opinions wanted.
02-01-12 13:44
6 992
Captain America?
09-01-12 17:53
0 424
American Psycho & Bonfire of the Vanities
08-01-12 23:53
1 923
Help reading faster
05-01-12 20:33
20 1.9K
Just broke my kindle screen
01-09-11 22:46
23 5.2K
Off Topic, General banter... 123
10-10-11 22:57
115 10.2K
Sixth Book for Martha Long?
07-01-12 23:20
0 1.5K