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Cult Horror books for sale
20-01-23 19:41
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Looking for 'The Strutabout'
10-01-23 11:44
1 475
01-12-22 15:36
0 11
True crime books
30-11-22 15:27
0 21
Looking for an E-Reader with physical page turn buttons
28-11-22 19:01
5 133
Accelerated reader favour
14-11-22 15:50
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Recommendation Sought
08-11-22 0:21
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Irish authors and their jobs
03-11-22 17:59
2 81
Stephen King’s Fairy Tale
17-10-22 21:36
0 21
old kids book: Shamrogues?
08-10-22 19:12
30 6.8K
3rd Party Biographies critical of Hitler that were published before the Second World War
Answered ✓
03-10-22 8:12
4 61
Cyberpunk/sci-fi recommendations
25-09-22 16:58
9 81
Childrens book from the 1990's
21-09-22 20:19
0 51
Honey & Spice, by Bolu Babalola
15-08-22 15:44
0 1
Old books
31-07-22 18:49
2 71
Rendezvous with Rama
16-06-22 10:31
2 546
looking for book
15-06-22 7:34
0 41
Song of Amergin
02-06-22 15:10
0 11
Fiction book about Irish famine
10-05-22 11:01
10 798
A Fascinating Story Of The World's Most Expensive Book, the Titanic And An Alleged Curse
15-04-22 11:20
0 21
Jack Higgins - RIP
11-04-22 15:23
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Easons click & collect
26-03-22 12:08
0 31
Literary Masterworks of the 21st century
15-03-22 22:53
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Second hand books in Dublin
08-03-22 21:25
3 71
09-01-22 21:00
10 426
Care Doc
28-12-21 3:17
3 42
16-12-21 0:56
11 658
How does a book's condition affect its price?
12-11-21 21:02
7 91
Kindle Vouchers
06-11-21 19:01
1 143
Help with identifying a book
31-10-21 9:53
0 21