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Kilkenny City & County

Kilkenny City & County
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
29-05-12 16:13
4 920
The Pococke
28-05-12 14:03
3 618
Central Heating Oil burner service.
29-12-11 12:11
7 2.3K
Captain Havoc raising money for Susie Long Hospice
28-05-12 16:08
0 360
Local Band Required
28-05-12 14:51
0 364
What to do with the Smithwick's site? 12
28-05-12 11:17
54 5.1K
Gyns in Kilkenny
27-05-12 0:33
1 625
Gardai in Loughboy
24-05-12 12:39
10 1.2K
Late night chemists
26-05-12 18:00
6 782
Moving to Kilkenny
10-05-12 10:22
24 3.7K
Advance Pitstop Loughboy
08-09-10 21:18
9 1.8K
Helping Hands Cycle Challenge
23-05-12 19:39
0 323
Taking up cycling
23-05-12 11:45
3 480
23-05-12 9:48
0 511
Hair Salons in Kilkenny??
17-05-12 18:22
5 2.1K
visit Kilkenny giving away a trip to Waterford!!!
22-05-12 20:27
1 434
Footlights ?
22-05-12 8:25
0 442
Rás cycling race is coming to town
15-05-12 8:02
4 730
Castle O'Toole- anyone heard of it?
20-05-12 20:56
2 849
Cillin Hill
14-05-12 7:28
7 1.2K
18-05-12 18:10
29 4.3K
Market Cross 19th May
18-05-12 13:41
1 395
Hi, anyone know a chain saw repair shop in piltown
17-05-12 12:46
2 783
11-05-12 19:53
7 1.1K
Internet outage (City)
16-05-12 22:15
16 1.5K
where would i get my threadmill fixed
16-05-12 17:05
0 273
Dog found - Slieverue area
13-05-12 19:58
2 335
MacDonagh Junction Price Increase
07-01-11 17:24
26 5.5K
Table and 4 Chairs
14-05-12 9:46
0 367
'Staff Wanted' notices in town
11-05-12 0:27
4 1.5K