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Grand Theft Auto

Action adventure game.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
No games listed in MP
01-05-08 16:01
0 328
GTA 4 asian version
01-05-08 10:00
5 583
For those who dont like the handling of vehicles
30-04-08 13:29
22 1.6K
I Need Help!!!!!!!!!
01-05-08 10:38
12 908
PS3 Game Saves
01-05-08 13:38
0 408
GTA4 - new clothes
01-05-08 12:03
4 524
"Only Player Remaining" Xbox Live
01-05-08 12:53
0 419
Strip clubs
30-04-08 8:09
9 1.2K
What they're saying when they're not speaking English
30-04-08 16:34
5 624
Who has the GTA Guide book?
01-05-08 9:41
1 414
Darts,Bowling etc
29-04-08 23:37
15 1.2K
30-04-08 9:20
19 1.4K
help ?
30-04-08 23:01
4 581
Its the little things that count.
01-05-08 1:37
2 513
Social Club
30-04-08 12:55
3 482
Liberty City Google Maps
30-04-08 10:42
2 578
HMV online order - anyone get theirs yet?
30-04-08 23:06
2 428
what are the chances of me gettin it this weekend?
30-04-08 15:58
7 640
help ?
30-04-08 23:00
0 316
can you skip the intro sequence?
30-04-08 21:22
7 1.1K
What do you all think of Niko Bellic as the main character?
30-04-08 7:51
17 1.6K
The official "I just got the game but am stuck at work" thread 12
29-04-08 7:36
73 2.8K
Multi-player and the Guide book
30-04-08 7:47
18 1.1K
Who to Order off?
30-04-08 13:56
9 792
Best online game yet?
30-04-08 16:30
0 298
PS3 GTA box/bundle.
30-04-08 15:52
1 448
soundtrack to gtaiv?
01-04-08 13:26
48 3.6K
GTA Live: 10pm Tonight 12
29-04-08 16:22
64 3.1K
GTA -Playstation 3 online anyone?
29-04-08 19:17
5 828
Gamer Tag for GTA IV
30-04-08 13:16
0 285