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Cork City

The capital of the south.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Large Halloween Decorations
27-10-19 12:49
3 243
Acoustic guitarist wanted for Foo Fighters covers band!
25-10-19 17:07
2 504
Hotel in Cork
23-10-19 17:14
7 946
Cork - Sandymount equivalent? 12
27-04-19 7:29
52 9.9K
Good estate agent/company to manage a house in Cork city
07-07-18 7:15
2 527
Water Meter Protest on Curraheen Road
04-08-15 14:17
37 5.3K
Sewerage System Map Of Cork City
15-10-19 15:00
1 427
09-10-19 13:07
7 1.2K
City House Park, Sullivans Quay.
14-10-19 8:19
3 360
Best pint of guiness in City
07-10-19 15:04
12 1.5K
Career guidance for adults
09-10-19 13:27
1 349
Place to buy a Casio watch
07-10-19 16:08
6 570
recommend English language school in city
06-10-19 11:09
1 221
Dog Boarding Kennels/ Pet sitter in own home
30-09-19 13:36
4 564
blarney street
23-04-10 23:19
11 2K
Rubbish disposal Cork
17-04-10 5:17
15 5.5K
Restaurant recommendations near Gate Cinema
29-09-19 12:13
5 599
Place to show 1 hour movie in Cork?
25-09-19 13:06
9 835
Kiltegan park, rochestown
14-09-19 22:13
36 4K
Pubs showing the Rugby world cup
17-09-19 22:37
31 3.1K
City Center Gym pay per use /short term membership
24-09-19 10:30
6 779
25-09-19 18:29
1 482
Areas to live in Cork
09-03-17 8:27
9 1.2K
19-08-11 12:52
8 2.2K
recommend really good tiler in cork
23-09-19 6:20
1 397
Blackrock / Douglas /Rochestown for family of 4 returning from Sydney
09-09-19 9:37
22 3.8K
Closest spot to city to park free, then bike
19-09-19 14:58
11 871
Ramen in Cork scraps 6before6
09-09-19 17:13
40 3.9K
Recommendations for good driving instructors?
26-08-19 15:55
5 1.1K
Man murdered in Cork city
08-09-19 18:06
32 4.7K