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Classic Cars

Antique and classic motors.
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Sill Repair
21-10-13 20:13
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mazda like on diesel and what are the cars like
22-10-13 19:27
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W124 overview 12
11-10-13 18:51
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pre 1980's modification extent?
13-05-13 16:07
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Jap rebuild / Heinkel 3 wheeler
20-10-13 10:20
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Other countries / winter projects
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G-wagen v's Defender 12
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The National Show Centre ,Swords
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How to Value my Lancia Fulvia
16-10-13 19:51
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2017 and Classic Reg Numbers.
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Classic for every day use
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Toyota Celica ra28
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Pristine for €5k
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has anyone looked at this Porsche?
05-10-13 20:49
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TG4..Ford programme....
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Camber adjustment in Cork?
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Looking for help identifying some old motors
07-10-13 17:40
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Classic Saab mechanic??
10-10-13 19:59
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Good engine man near Limerick...
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State of the (car) nation
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Porsche 924 - now with added Rear Seat Belts!
02-10-13 16:42
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Kaisers' pics
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Electrical Gauge Repair
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Great Sales Patter....
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Magnus Walker on 911's
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restoration in wexford
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Vintage tractor reg ?
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Anyone looked at either of these MGB's?
02-10-13 20:29
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Original Irish Jaguar e-types
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