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Careers and Job Discussion

Careers discussion from people whom have completed their leaving cert with Q&A from potential career candidates.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Dream Job and Dream Travel ... both?!!
13-06-14 10:52
0 135
No idea what to do for college...
07-06-14 18:08
5 1K
Getting into college
12-05-14 22:14
1 907
** LC Religion 2014 ** Discussion/Predictions/Help
06-06-14 22:45
0 88
what does a Mathematics degree in university consist of?
11-05-14 11:23
7 1.7K
Journalism from Start(Unemployed)
28-03-14 1:13
1 1.1K
Becoming A Stockbroker
01-06-14 19:35
5 1.7K
Really need advice. (LC)
01-06-14 18:39
0 505
Interested in Computer hardware- Need CAO courses
01-06-14 17:03
0 460
Career & college course help?!!
29-05-14 23:34
3 584
Choosing courses..HELP!
28-05-14 11:58
1 594
Dropping Irish??
29-05-14 6:04
1 660
leaving cert chemistry
20-05-14 18:13
2 890
Best Place To Do Computer Science
17-05-14 13:43
8 1.3K
accounting vs engineering
04-05-14 11:02
6 1.1K
Career advice for a ex engineer/anxiety prone man
21-04-14 14:07
2 1.1K
09-05-14 16:47
0 774
Finishing the Leaving cert while working
06-05-14 15:26
1 539
physics or engineering?
13-04-14 23:48
4 991
Adding more subjects to the belt!
01-05-14 18:14
0 628
Which looks better on a cv?
28-04-14 15:39
4 1.1K
Leaving Cert Subject Choice
22-04-14 13:24
2 817
Relocation Packages
08-04-14 15:36
4 976
Got the job but not where i wanted
17-04-14 22:03
0 771
Course help?
31-03-14 18:07
5 1.2K
Should I Stay or Should I Go
01-04-14 20:56
7 1.3K
tree surgeon
02-04-14 20:44
0 813
Actuarial and Financial Maths UCD
24-01-14 18:55
4 2.1K
NCAD 2014
20-03-14 22:54
2 1.1K
Sport Science?
10-11-13 20:57
6 2.1K