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Cameras & Accessories

Discussion of Cameras, Lenses, Photographic Accessories & Gear.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Novice Needs info please
13-08-12 16:39
3 466
Possibly useful exposure tip...
17-08-12 19:24
0 325
Free online "fish eye" effect?
15-08-12 16:58
6 2.3K
Right, how the flip do you post process a colour negative scan?
15-08-12 22:42
3 514
Hassleblad scanner at Red Rua
15-08-12 12:26
3 554
Nex 7 lens
15-08-12 14:28
1 362
"This picture cannot be displayed" - Lumix
04-08-12 1:35
5 3.2K
Canon Lens from Amazon - warranty question
13-08-12 16:06
2 2.6K
Ghosting problems with panoramic stitching
13-08-12 22:55
7 672
7D Impressive firmware update
28-06-12 15:47
17 1.9K
best cards for 5d mk3
14-08-12 10:16
3 480
Lighting for beginners - equipment essentials
17-07-12 18:46
22 2.3K
fas course
11-08-12 23:41
2 619
Resizing images to specific pixel size
13-08-12 21:35
3 397
Is there anyway of getting a location from a photo?
13-08-12 19:46
2 386
Embed ICC Profile
12-08-12 19:32
4 478
Picasa batch watermark (how to)
13-08-12 6:29
0 477
Batch cropping images to the same dimensions?
12-08-12 0:58
3 433
Desperate search for epson ink needed today
11-08-12 10:05
0 253
creative live - Joe Bussink - Wedding Photography
10-08-12 17:07
0 396
Watermarking Software?
09-08-12 13:07
6 636
Which Camera for Bird Pictures
04-08-12 21:50
8 651
Olympus OM 55mm 1.2 lens to Nikon D50 body
07-08-12 21:40
7 1.2K
PDF/Apps to teach me about photography?
02-03-12 1:24
9 1.2K
Which Lens Would You Bring?
08-08-12 13:26
6 491
Movie Poster Style Wedding Invites
23-02-12 19:23
8 1.6K
Water Case Rental
08-08-12 15:08
1 448
Simply electronics 12
03-06-09 15:24
64 9.7K
Canon 1100 D
08-08-12 14:30
1 363
Brendan Dunne 'Central Picture Framing' still open? Alternatives?
07-08-12 10:04
6 1.7K