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Cameras & Accessories

Discussion of Cameras, Lenses, Photographic Accessories & Gear.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
where can if find any threads about camera mistakes?
07-08-15 12:29
2 521
Does anyone have a Medion Graphics Tablet?
14-07-15 21:34
2 814
Connecting external mic to Canon 6D
08-08-15 12:41
2 646
Is camera tech cheaper in SE Asia
18-04-15 14:09
5 1.2K
discuss, my next camera will be a sony?
27-06-15 8:57
16 2.1K
Minolta Lens
10-08-15 19:10
0 279
Faulty nikon D5300
03-08-15 12:03
3 618
Hufa holder or alternative?
07-08-15 23:20
1 319
Tamron 18-200mm vs. 18-270mm lens
28-12-14 11:48
10 1.4K
Nikon D3100 Lens recommendations
04-01-15 17:40
9 834
New to Nikon D3200.
12-05-15 17:26
9 1.1K
Remote control for Sony digital camera
07-08-15 11:35
0 217
Canon XL1 Lens
06-08-15 17:06
0 192
Yi Camera
26-07-15 18:19
4 584
2nd Camera bag
02-08-15 8:53
3 381
Camera purchase Advice
28-07-15 14:27
0 337
Are film cameras worth much anymore?
23-07-15 13:14
2 482
Anyone know how i could sell a photo kiosk??
21-07-15 9:51
0 412
Visiting Palestine - which lens?
07-07-15 22:40
13 1.5K
F/2.8 telephoto vs f/4 telephoto (Nikkor)
02-07-15 8:12
6 739
Manual for Pentax
12-07-15 18:26
1 317
Flickr issues
07-07-15 21:14
0 326
Canon EOS 1100d Zoom Lens Recommendations
04-07-15 7:26
1 429
Broken digitiser on Lumix
26-06-15 7:59
1 551
Best place to get a D750?
27-04-15 11:11
10 1.5K
Phone app for saving pics/video
01-07-15 22:30
2 369
SJCAM 4000 Wifi
30-06-15 5:05
0 502
Canon 6D - opinions?
14-05-15 13:36
32 2.8K
Cheap GoPro accessories
26-06-15 15:23
0 375
cd lens cleaner for cleaning lens on binoculars
25-06-15 15:49
3 560