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Building Regulations & Legislation

Discussion of all aspects of building regs - past, present and future
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Apartment conversion
22-09-17 19:39
1 554
Local Needs
21-09-17 11:21
2 619
Do I have to move the gas meter?
18-09-17 8:40
2 541
Urban Pressure as a means of planning refusal
14-09-17 14:31
1 533
RIAI Cert of compliance
12-09-17 18:04
4 541
Building over storm drain
13-09-17 10:14
1 472
Management company is not recognising owner
13-09-17 10:01
0 481
1991 House Extension Certificates
12-09-17 18:32
0 402
Property Zoned Z4 - Change to Residential
12-09-17 10:29
0 382
Advice needed
12-09-17 10:28
0 376
planning granted
07-09-17 14:14
0 429
Advice re planning
07-09-17 9:58
4 486
BCAR not fit for purpose
17-06-17 8:02
15 1.2K
Shed roof noise
05-09-17 13:52
2 432
Engineer costs for one off house build
05-09-17 20:45
0 495
Planning process when acquiring retail unit
03-09-17 16:54
10 614
Front wall height
31-08-17 17:20
8 666
New build v extension/renovation regulations.
16-08-17 22:24
6 730
Development Standards - Storage requirement madness
31-08-17 15:06
0 366
Temporary hoarding/fencing regulations?
29-08-17 21:28
2 438
I need help with building control regulations.
27-08-17 22:19
1 431
tree on street, roots knocking wall
27-08-17 17:01
3 406
buying a building planning problem
26-08-17 13:14
1 453
Cost of drawings??
17-08-17 21:51
1 545
Fence in an estate
16-08-17 20:55
5 483
Where can I get the floorplan documents for my apartment building?
14-08-17 15:51
7 636
New Extension Build
15-08-17 10:48
4 539
Shared Drive, Query
14-08-17 13:23
5 452
Archaeological Advice
14-08-17 13:12
0 327
PP for mobile home temporary
13-08-17 11:19
6 555