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Building Regulations & Legislation

Discussion of all aspects of building regs - past, present and future
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Oil v Gas LPG
13-05-18 19:12
3 186
What stage must a new house be at prior to date of permission lapsing
09-05-18 10:25
8 458
what to use to insulate the attic
12-05-18 10:15
5 223
Wall insulation
10-05-18 19:13
1 197
Roof trusses
08-05-18 21:10
0 193
Permit required?
20-04-18 17:36
34 1.1K
House Purchase: Septic Tank & Other Issues
01-05-18 20:48
5 708
New Build Leaking roof
14-03-18 21:02
3 561
carport question
28-04-18 19:04
1 246
Front wall height on a country lane
28-04-18 22:08
7 389
Builder won't complete certificate of compliance
22-11-17 15:22
13 3.1K
Help Needed
25-04-18 11:46
2 208
install understair toilet / shower - 1930s mid terrace
25-04-18 13:53
2 158
Foundations of old two story house in yard - Planning permission
15-04-18 16:32
2 256
Irish Building Control Institute
17-04-18 19:26
5 250
Neighbour increasing fence height
16-04-18 16:39
1 328
compliance certificate
13-04-18 11:16
1 212
Part B Classification of buildings by Purpose Group
12-04-18 17:40
1 134
Is this work a material alteration?
11-04-18 13:13
5 367
Chimney flue liner
09-04-18 20:33
0 116
Meath County Council - Planning - link to site coverage and plot ratio
05-04-18 16:56
10 369
House mortgage
04-04-18 15:52
3 314
Maintaining party structure
05-04-18 16:06
0 127
Building Extension in rear of house
29-03-18 20:05
7 501
Gas boiler condensate pipe location
01-04-18 6:46
1 131
cavity wall insulation
11-03-18 22:53
22 1.1K
Sounds from next door neighbour
27-03-18 22:02
2 348
12 year old house never signed off
23-03-18 13:56
4 427
Extension and Conversion of garage to granny flat
24-03-18 21:51
2 560
Trading up
24-03-18 11:03
1 205