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Banking & Insurance & Pensions

Discuss banks, insurance and pension schemes. Not to be used for giving financial advice.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Deceased's accounts and probate
18-03-23 13:28
23 1.2K
Advice on fixing rate
16-03-23 19:26
12 783
EBS account
15-03-23 19:30
2 131 Paying back-dated pension contributions.
15-03-23 11:53
1 171
Where to draw down loan amount from Permanent TSB
14-03-23 14:48
0 131
Teachers Pension and State Contributory Pension
14-03-23 12:37
7 436
Bank of Ireland - Credit card
14-03-23 10:51
2 151
House insurance review.
13-03-23 13:09
2 141
Paying AIB credit card via PTSB open 24
12-03-23 9:28
4 2K
Revolut - Pros & Cons
10-03-23 23:16
2 331
Sent money to pay for course in UK - proof of payment given by BOI but payee won't accept
10-03-23 20:45
3 191
Can An Post see my AIB account balance?
09-03-23 19:37
7 755
UK British Pension Additional Contributions Added Years
08-03-23 23:46
1 181
Cheapest way to send sterling
08-03-23 22:47
3 111
The end is nigh: No withdrawals from one Irish Life Property fund for six months
07-03-23 17:34
2 263
AIB removing My Spending feature
06-03-23 20:44
3 512
PTSB and Dept of Education
03-03-23 21:32
6 341
Interest Rates & Fixing Tracker Mortgage
03-03-23 19:19
4 261
Buyer asking for phone number after giving them my IBAN?
01-03-23 15:52
10 1.2K
Banking Scam - as it happened
28-02-23 20:14
1 361
Advice on tracker - AIB variable rate (LTV <50%) below ECB rate
28-02-23 9:04
2 191
Advice on mortgage deposit percentage for a short time buyer
27-02-23 21:56
7 343
Vulture fund
23-02-23 17:41
4 281
Life Insurance Brokers
22-02-23 18:36
4 171
Mortgage Transfer Life Policy Issue
22-02-23 14:14
10 171
Debit cards in the USA
21-02-23 11:16
15 521
Best way to transfer money to the US
21-02-23 3:23
1 61
Mortgage drawdown before house completion
20-02-23 22:00
3 262
20-02-23 7:44
3 131
Lump sum query
20-02-23 7:30
1 221