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Audio-Video Editing & Film Production

Dealing with video creation, editing and audio file manipulation.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Voice and Video out of Sync
16-01-09 17:02
0 1.1K
Converting a BetaMax tape to DVD
16-01-09 10:42
2 1.4K
Software that allows drawing onto video
15-01-09 21:28
1 397
Royalty free music
14-01-09 14:08
1 562
Cant Find work Experience!!
12-01-06 19:13
23 5.2K
how to edit JVC GZ-MS100 video in premiere
13-01-09 11:35
1 470
Using MPeg4 with iDVD & iMovie
13-01-09 21:03
1 566
Sony Z1 camera for sale!
29-10-08 11:49
1 863
Sound Effects?
12-01-09 21:22
1 418
how to merge multiple video files into one
07-01-09 10:38
8 769
Editing DVD
09-01-09 14:01
2 548
Ripping Sony DVD-RWs for editing purposes
08-12-08 18:51
11 1.1K
Wee' movie I made
22-10-08 19:17
5 1K
09-01-09 17:55
1 521
samsung camcorder
20-11-08 11:23
1 576
Sony DCR SR33 as a webcam
29-12-08 18:38
1 911
Advice on Canon MD205 Camcorder
08-01-09 19:37
3 1K
JVC GR AX60 Camcorder Manual
06-01-09 16:38
1 994
Nero 8 - Creating Menu buttons help.
07-01-09 23:57
0 492
Altec Lansing MX5021
07-01-09 20:21
0 16
Home recording voice on a budget
11-12-08 19:40
2 758
recommendations for a good dvd/video camera for professional recording with a very h
24-12-08 21:23
15 2.1K
Blu Ray burners
13-12-08 6:22
7 1.1K
Help Wanted - Audio
06-01-09 16:07
4 423
High-speed video
05-01-09 22:56
0 409
Film Production - worth pursuing?
05-01-09 22:07
1 563
Gun Shot
20-12-08 21:05
8 6.7K
Camcorder for Golf Swing Analysis
04-01-09 22:23
4 1.5K
Costume design
29-12-08 3:26
1 620
footage too bright when transferred
03-01-09 17:42
1 507