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Audio-Video Editing & Film Production

Dealing with video creation, editing and audio file manipulation.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
video editing of home videos put onto dvd
25-02-10 10:11
2 631
Short video clips for my site
24-02-10 9:17
2 859
DOP, Producer, Casting Director, Sound tech wanted!!
19-02-10 19:05
4 921
Actors wanted
23-02-10 20:11
0 695
Actors required for a short film
23-02-10 19:43
0 581
Converting Sony miniDV tapes to MPEG
18-01-10 2:51
4 1.9K
Video Editor for Beginner
19-02-10 4:32
3 1K
extras needed for RTE arts film
22-02-10 11:42
0 499
Seeking Script Submissions
22-02-10 11:25
0 470
Actors required for a film production.
21-02-10 14:32
0 635
Getting a TV series made
20-02-10 12:20
3 610
Deluded Radio Station- Short Film
31-01-10 17:04
7 1.3K
Offaly Film Festival
19-02-10 18:06
0 479
National Film School / IADT Retrospective at JDIFF
19-02-10 1:27
1 502
Improve ??
17-02-10 0:02
1 790
Avid vs. Final Cut
16-05-09 12:39
10 1.8K
New Music Video- Ambience Affair
15-02-10 14:39
0 448
Online Web Series in Galway
21-12-09 13:17
2 732
nokia 5800
08-02-10 22:21
1 732
problem with premiere cs3
08-02-10 0:01
0 691
Best camcorder for enthusiastic amateur
31-12-09 0:10
16 2.9K
Can you hire cimera here in Ireland?
01-02-10 22:18
11 3.9K
What is the best MOVE software and Formats used
04-02-10 12:24
1 462
Audio Signal Imager
27-12-09 19:04
5 885
Capturing Live Stream
02-02-10 22:45
1 613
Actors required for music video
03-02-10 17:18
2 834
Qs on getting work as Audio Engineer
02-02-10 21:04
1 686
VGA to SCART cable
29-01-10 10:29
5 7.5K
Problem with Sony ccd-tr425e camcorder
28-01-10 22:34
0 498
looking for this Mac software or somthing like it for ths PC
28-01-10 0:32
0 725