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Photographic art, equipment and advice.

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Cameras & Accessories

Discussion of Cameras, Lenses, Photographic Accessories & Gear.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Circuit of Ireland
11-04-12 18:27
14 1.8K
POTW 404: 10/2/18 - 16/2/18
18-03-18 14:13
4 379
360 Photos of Dublin and Kilkenny
18-03-18 13:44
2 245
POTW 403: 3/2/18 - 9/2/18
10-03-18 12:33
3 321
POTW 402: 27/1/18 - 2/2/18
03-03-18 23:11
6 365
Which wedding studio to go for my destination wedding?
09-03-18 20:41
3 465
Need small job done in Photoshop please
06-03-18 14:21
5 436
Some Pics of Dublin City Centre earlier
28-02-18 13:18
9 571
Grand Canal, Cornalour
01-03-18 21:13
0 194
Online /cloud Backup for raw
19-02-18 14:15
22 696
POTW 401: 20/1/18 - 26/1/18
25-02-18 15:21
4 304
Manual focus to infinity
17-02-18 19:59
10 473
Canvas prints
21-02-18 16:15
0 200
Waterford and Limerick photographer warning
17-02-18 3:37
1 477
35mm blunder
18-02-18 22:05
2 369
Advice for a beginner
17-02-18 16:56
1 258
POTW 400: 13/1/18 - 19/1/18
17-02-18 10:29
0 244
Market for SLR camera and lenses?
15-02-18 16:49
6 442
Nice camera - no idea!
15-02-18 8:26
4 386
OneDigitals Online
31-07-17 11:58
5 1K
POTW 399: 6/1/18 - 12/1/18
10-02-18 12:11
3 399
31-01-18 17:50
7 454
Dust Spots reappearing in HDR images.
07-02-18 23:30
3 320
POTW 395: 9/12/17 - 15/12/17
13-01-18 13:00
9 712
POTW 398: 30/12/17- 5/1/18
02-02-18 15:49
4 413
Challenge 200 : Bokeh
06-03-17 13:28
12 1.9K
Challenge 200 : Reflections
21-03-17 8:27
11 1.3K
Digital Photo Frames
02-02-18 10:50
1 269
Taking photographs at the NCT Center
31-01-18 22:01
2 466
Advice please on how to sell Canon 700D plus kit
29-01-18 21:51
6 438