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Photographic art, equipment and advice.

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Cameras & Accessories

Discussion of Cameras, Lenses, Photographic Accessories & Gear.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Large photo printing
27-11-18 14:21
3 323
Best Instagram spots in Dublin and around
08-10-18 9:25
25 1.3K
Infra-red Photography
15-11-18 18:39
6 503
DXO Nik Software Black Friday Deal
23-11-18 18:56
6 271
POTW 440: 20/10/18 - 26/10/18
25-11-18 20:40
1 291
Which one?
15-11-18 21:46
10 510
Seascape photowalk?
08-11-18 9:17
7 589
POTW 439: 13/10/18 - 19/10/18
17-11-18 11:23
2 308
Vintage Camera Collectors
14-11-18 13:29
8 328
Photopea - free online photo editor
15-11-18 9:37
3 283
Astrophotography basics talk in Botanic Gdns
12-11-18 18:46
0 170
POTW 438: 6/10/18 - 12/10/18
11-11-18 20:49
3 388
Camera & Rodent Issue
04-11-18 18:32
14 750
Scanning printed photographs.
04-11-18 20:31
3 238
POTW 437: 29/9/18 - 5/10/18
03-11-18 13:53
3 374
cant decide on edits ?
21-10-18 18:39
20 690
Looking for help changing hair colour on a pic
11-09-18 13:27
4 333
POTW 436: 22/9/18 - 28/9/18
27-10-18 12:23
1 220
Is it bad form to take an assignment to develop someone else's photos?
26-10-18 3:57
4 470
Recommend Laptop
25-10-18 14:54
17 651 on Groupon
23-10-18 17:56
1 230
POTW 435: 15/9/18 - 21/9/18
21-10-18 11:00
1 237
Commissioned to shoot a pub interior with customers in it, do I need a signed release
01-08-18 14:09
16 1.3K
POTW 434: 8/9/18 - 14/9/18
14-10-18 11:10
9 346
POTW 433: 1/9/18 - 7/9/18
07-10-18 21:32
3 362
Developing Super 8 Kodachrome Film from the 70s
04-10-18 13:26
3 155
POTW 432: 25/8/18 - 31/8/18
01-10-18 19:25
2 234
Help with Canon EOS M3 - remote shooting & OBS studio
29-09-18 9:43
1 355
POTW 431: 18/8/18 - 24/8/18
24-09-18 20:52
2 220
Press pass to take photos
20-09-18 13:56
3 403