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Arts & Crafts

Traditional art (non-digital), decorative design and all hand crafted projects.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
What arts and crafts can I do with my boyfriend
29-07-10 8:19
4 3.1K
dressmaking materials-help!
23-09-10 18:02
3 2.4K
Weekend Sewing Course
08-10-10 11:06
5 2.3K
Phone paper stand/dock
18-10-10 23:16
0 424
Making a hat out of paper.
18-10-10 21:22
2 679
Balsa alternative?
15-10-10 12:20
4 1.1K
Calendar 2011
15-10-10 14:51
3 454
07-10-10 23:33
3 811
Need help making an UNREAL Halloween costume...
04-10-10 14:52
1 899
looking for handmade market in dublin
05-08-10 11:22
7 2.2K
Good craft books
24-06-10 16:55
9 1.4K
23-06-10 9:24
4 1.1K
Casting in concrete - advice needed
06-10-10 10:18
1 664
Latex Paint?
09-10-10 11:11
5 2.6K
Nested Gift Boxes
07-10-10 23:04
0 560
25-09-10 21:05
8 1.5K
Custom T shirts help!
05-10-10 18:47
5 1.1K
Where to buy (cardboard) Bird cutouts?
05-10-10 21:42
1 784
Fashion Design Course Galway
02-10-10 13:06
1 1.4K
Japanese calligraphy
17-12-07 11:25
4 2.1K
Paint for murals?
30-09-10 17:27
1 698
crochet magazine
09-12-09 15:19
4 2.7K
20-09-10 11:53
2 885
need help with a art project :)
25-09-10 18:34
3 589
5ft+ Anchor wanted
22-09-10 16:19
3 827
Personal caricatures
19-09-10 19:57
5 982
Stockists for Adjustable Silk Stretcher Frame?
19-09-10 19:35
3 777
Banksy the main man!
14-09-10 13:36
10 1.1K
electric pottery wheel
22-08-10 14:46
1 1K
dressmakers dummy
15-09-10 20:53
2 812