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Arts & Crafts

Traditional art (non-digital), decorative design and all hand crafted projects.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Large Cardboard Boxes
24-10-11 18:34
0 481
can I buy van gogh print and frame it and make a money on it?
23-10-11 22:04
1 567
Flower Arranging Course in Dublin
19-10-11 20:04
4 1.5K
Where to buy Candle Moulds? (Preferably in Cork)
19-10-11 17:30
0 482
fabric adhesive spray
01-10-11 19:01
3 1.2K
Jewellery making course
24-09-11 14:14
6 1.7K
preparation of ready-made canvases?
17-10-11 12:26
1 388
Fabric Shop
12-10-11 19:29
4 941
Looking for life drawing models
16-10-11 16:18
0 885
What are your thoughts on my art project?
16-10-11 15:02
0 486
trophy repairs
14-10-11 15:04
1 626
What is the best way to sell your crafts online
02-09-11 12:07
4 1.9K
life model
13-10-11 22:34
2 543
Cold Process Soap
13-10-11 8:53
0 537
In need of mannequin...
12-10-11 13:04
1 791
Help needed
12-10-11 12:01
1 496
Tree Trunk Slices
12-10-11 12:29
2 487
Help with products for a project
09-10-11 22:40
3 673
non buffered mount board
07-10-11 18:31
3 735
Figure drawing classes - Kilkenny
09-10-11 16:30
0 1.4K
painting tiles
25-09-11 20:13
3 850
buying wax for candlemaking
06-10-11 22:35
1 943
Junior Cert Art Exam 2012
07-10-11 16:18
2 1.4K
I want to make a Zombie?
05-10-11 20:57
1 516
Buying Jewellery Making Tools
26-09-11 22:34
6 3K
Selling handmade jewellery / crafts
04-10-11 21:54
2 684
How are prints of paintings made?
05-10-11 9:31
1 609
Part-time Animation courses
13-04-09 17:04
9 5.4K
Rubber bands?
03-10-11 13:37
1 491
wax free trace down paper?
04-10-11 18:33
0 519