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Arts & Crafts

Traditional art (non-digital), decorative design and all hand crafted projects.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Floating Candles for indoor use - Dublin
01-10-13 9:29
2 518
Where can I buy ingredients to do handmade soap in Dublin centre?
28-08-13 7:32
2 5.4K
anyone buy wholesale fabric and habby suppies?
24-09-13 17:58
0 430
Sewing Patterns
23-09-13 21:30
2 693
Looking for knitting/Crochet teacher (Galway)
13-03-12 15:07
4 2.5K
Embroidery Digitizing Bernia
16-09-13 18:15
3 1.2K
Bog Oak - where to buy
28-10-12 14:25
14 10.2K
Life Drawing Help
16-09-13 12:04
7 753
Custom Jewellery for 40th Birthday Present
30-08-13 13:31
1 594
bog oak
06-09-13 12:11
1 564
Anyone did their art and portfolio course in colaiste Dhaulagh?
01-08-13 22:42
3 539
Where to buy mounting sets for artwork?
09-09-13 23:08
1 416
Leather Cleaning
13-09-13 16:38
0 303
Silver Jewellery
10-09-13 10:27
6 982
Help with an arts website
11-09-13 22:14
0 270
10-09-13 15:46
3 569
Card Making Supplies.
23-06-09 20:44
11 7.3K
Simple Halloween or Christmas decorations
10-09-13 10:35
1 409
Looking for small plain wooden boxes!!
10-09-13 11:49
0 428
Looking for male life drawing model
09-08-13 9:30
3 764
Getting Better
06-09-13 23:11
2 526
Wooden Crates
29-08-13 9:41
3 9.6K
Waterproof canvas
02-09-13 12:55
2 445
Portfolio Brief. HELP & ADVICE 12...1213
17-08-08 22:10
648 125.7K
Art Studio available to share
03-09-13 11:13
0 616
resin jewellery
31-08-13 16:39
1 445
Can't seem to draw anymore....
22-08-13 16:58
5 786
Advice on selling handmade soap
02-07-13 14:51
6 1.2K
Looking for a kiln (bronze metal clay) in Dublin.
25-08-13 12:10
2 533
Portobello College for Dressmaking??
02-09-12 12:55
2 736