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Arcade & Retro

Retro games from the 20th century.

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What are the best retro games for kids?
13-03-20 22:05
19 816
List of ball games that were made specific to 8 BIT
15-03-20 17:15
9 281
Some nice Arcade wallpapers here if you are interested
19-03-20 15:55
0 152
Nintendo playstation, say what?!
08-03-20 16:10
6 335
C64 Mini 12...56
29-09-17 15:25
292 19.1K
Console modding
21-02-20 10:02
20 685
Arcade Bartop reskin
27-02-20 14:48
1 203
Sega Megadrive mini 12...56
22-02-20 18:39
270 20.7K
C64 Full Size Any one?
17-02-20 16:26
22 2.4K
Playstation Classic 12...45
06-02-20 11:40
229 16.4K
Brought back from the dead
05-02-20 10:27
4 231
Brought back from the dead
02-02-20 6:41
20 998
Castlevania Symphony of the Night: XBLA or Requiem?
01-02-20 12:00
16 334
Atari Falcon
03-02-20 20:54
2 188
Playing a SNES on modern TV
21-01-20 8:38
11 481
Any token arcades that give you prizes for tokens in Dublin?
17-01-20 8:17
1 169
Standout things from a decade of arcade and retro?
03-01-20 12:44
28 1.5K
GPI Case
07-01-20 12:43
11 339
drawing a line on a project
24-12-19 20:16
11 968
Condensation in cab
05-01-20 14:31
10 346
Anyone Interested In Pinball Machines? 123
29-07-08 14:12
150 18.8K
A very A&R Christmas!
24-12-19 20:39
17 1.5K
Some 32X questions
29-12-19 23:35
7 750
Akira (MD) Proto found and dumped
26-12-19 11:30
4 466
Rouge squadron 2 and 3 on shield tv
22-12-19 12:14
2 228
XENO CRISIS - new megadrive game
29-10-19 23:50
21 1K
Getting a SNES cart flashed
09-12-19 22:52
14 1.2K
Wii display problem
21-12-19 6:03
6 383
Yuletide Gaming
04-12-19 9:53
28 1.4K
Best 2 player button layout for cabinet build
03-12-19 18:09
16 741