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Anime & Manga

Japanese cartoons and comics.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Where to look in Cork city?
10-12-15 10:26
5 1.9K
Under The Dog, crowdfunded anime from the director of Sword of the Stranger
04-09-14 13:30
4 1.8K
Where in Dublin can I buy DB Super?
30-06-16 18:16
1 501
Cosplay greeters
27-06-16 11:35
0 514
Brocon 2016 - anime and gaming Limerick
19-06-16 10:25
0 439
Satoshi Kon Speculation thread
28-05-16 23:30
0 383
Kodansha Manga Humble Bundle!!
04-05-16 20:39
0 1.1K
Studio Ghibli Forever
18-04-16 13:08
0 358
15-04-16 10:45
0 486
Japanese film festival is on!
12-04-16 21:28
0 386
What's your favourite Anime/Manga? 12
04-04-16 8:09
96 7.4K
assassination classroom manga ideas
01-02-16 21:12
2 518
Your favourite Anime character 1234
05-06-10 10:54
185 80K
Best anime films?
17-01-16 21:44
4 694
One Punch Man
02-12-15 13:44
2 946
Fall Season
25-10-15 22:56
3 722
28-10-15 20:21
0 543
"Good looking" Anime?
26-01-15 11:05
32 6.3K
Dragonball: Resurrection of F Screenings
25-08-15 10:56
5 1.6K
***EIRTAKON 2015 - 13th - 15th November, Croke Park Convention Centre***
13-10-15 12:41
0 666
Akira at Sugar Club
04-10-15 21:03
0 583
Looking for the name of an anime that used to run in the mid-90s
26-09-15 1:10
3 962
Irish Otaku
22-04-15 22:21
9 2.2K
Hetalia day 2015
30-07-15 21:29
7 1.1K
Favourite/best opening themes?
21-10-13 17:36
25 5.5K
Studio Ghibli
21-03-08 21:10
29 5.1K
A certain anime from the Den on RTE- Help!
29-07-15 23:49
2 1.3K
BroCon 2015 Gaming and Anime - this weekend
05-07-15 19:31
1 716
Screening anime in Ireland
15-06-15 21:36
3 1.2K
Anime on Netflix 12
15-08-14 22:51
87 12.2K