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Travel Visas Questions
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Place to live Sydney, Drummoyne????
27-09-12 7:42
0 251
Inpromptu Beers in Sydney
26-09-12 6:03
1 344
Broadband without a landline?
26-09-12 0:45
7 1.1K
Traffic Controller Work In Sydney
26-09-12 5:06
0 490
Thinking about moving to OZ
25-09-12 23:08
10 1K
Possible options for future re-entry
21-09-12 22:53
5 716
Anyone here starting a business in Australia
24-09-12 19:26
4 644
Another pride of the Irish Nominee!
06-08-12 5:35
38 4K
luggage help
23-09-12 17:48
2 488
BCG vaccination for babies
25-09-12 10:51
0 333
Day trips around Sydney
24-09-12 21:19
1 322
Microbreweries showcase in Fed Square
25-09-12 4:25
1 407
Bye bye LAFHA, no more gravy train 12...45
29-11-11 3:42
212 34K
Moving to australia
11-09-12 19:01
4 1.3K
Using Irish phone in Australia
23-09-12 19:12
3 883
457 visa help sought
15-05-11 18:33
30 4.3K
Regional work: Postcodes still in use?
18-09-12 18:19
14 1.6K
Donegal v Mayo match
23-09-12 11:22
6 802
What kinda visa do I need to complete an open uni course in aus
21-09-12 16:35
3 460
quick salary question
21-09-12 7:38
2 553
Dilemma-Do Honours Degree and put off Aus for 2 years or just go to aus within a year
11-09-12 23:12
14 1.4K
Looking for a Travel Buddy for Darwin to do Fruit Picking
21-09-12 14:15
0 334
Hasanyone here left a good job in Ireland to go to Aus
30-08-12 14:49
40 4.2K
trade rocongition
18-09-12 18:21
10 1.1K
singapore airline
20-09-12 13:41
2 451
Thinking about going next summer..
19-09-12 20:34
3 492
Islamic riots in Sydney yesterday
16-09-12 9:12
42 3.4K
FIFO work
16-09-12 6:11
28 2.3K
Long wknd outside sydney?
16-09-12 9:25
11 949
Regional Work WA
19-09-12 0:30
1 326